Is Perpetual Revival Possible? Asbury Re-Visited

Nearly one year removed from the awakening at Asbury College, we’re reminded that short-term revival is better than none at all
4 min read

“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”

Hebrews 4:12

One of the many good things that came from the brief but fierce spiritual awakening at Asbury College months ago is that it prompted much conversation about the phenomenon of revival. What is revival? How do you know if it’s real? How does it happen? Why does it happen? How long does it last? How long should it last? How do you know when a revival is “over”?

On this side of the Asbury Awakening, many have concluded that one sure way to cut a revival short is to open it up to unnecessary media attention or to somehow allow it to become a news spectacle for gawking and public consumption. I may be wrong, but I can’t help but wonder if the spectator-factor at Asbury didn’t prematurely put out the revival fires.

Over so soon?

Is it possible to have a revival that never ends? Based on history, probably not. Not on this side of glory anyway.

As much as we would love to be in a state of uninterrupted worship and devotion to Jesus, we are broken people living in a broken world and therefore a wide-eyed, enthusiastic spiritual condition is the exception – not the norm. Some spiritual awakenings have lasted days, some lasted weeks, some even months and years, but none of them just kept going.

Unfortunately, things have always had a way of going back to “normal.”

But wait, isn’t some revival better than none? Isn’t even one hour of spiritual renewal better than nothing? I would say yes, absolutely yes.

In fact, there’s a spiritual renewal of sorts that happens every time we open our hearts to God’s word. When we engage with it, even for a few moments, the Bible has the power to positively reset our thoughts and our outlook on life. Even though for many of us it feels like the positive effect has worn off by the end of the day, the short-lived boost is still good and helpful in the grand scheme of things.

What ignites revival?

Something else we learn from the revivals of the past – no matter how long they lasted – is that they all had their beginnings in the word of God. Some verse or passage from the Bible was the spark that caused people to relate to God and one another with more humility, honesty, and love than usual.

And that’s how the next revival, or spiritual awakening if you prefer, will happen as well. Just as in the past, it will be God’s holy Word that ignites and fuels the blaze of spiritual revival in the days ahead (See 2 Timothy 3:16-17). We can count on this, when people re-discover what God has to say to them and take it to heart, a season of renewal is underway.

So what if the fire goes out? At least it was lit for a little while! And not to worry, it can be lit again.

We can count on this, when people re-discover what God has to say to them and take it to heart, a season of renewal is underway.

Removed from the revitalizing influence of God’s Word, we will be stuck in the yuck. But as long as we keep both our hearts and our Bible’s open, anything’s possible.

Unfortunately, life has a way of dousing the fires of revival. They seem to be extinguished almost as quickly as they are ignited. But so be it. Because even an hour of revival is better than none.

It’s a new day with God. Run with it.

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