Top 10 Things I Appreciated About My Dad

man with two kids near body of water

My Dad stood all of 5′ 4″ – in cowboy boots. A proud native of Texas, he had a big ‘ol heart in a small body. People compared him to the Energizer bunny, because he seemed to keep “going and going and going.”

But at 87, John T. Adams recently crossed his finished line and entered his eternal rest.

As this Father’s Day rolls around, I’m reflecting on what makes my Dad’s legacy such a blessing to me and many other people. It goes without saying that he wasn’t perfect, but thankfully, you don’t have to be perfect to positively influence the people around you.

If I may, here’s my top-ten list of things I appreciate about my Dad:

1. He gave his life to Jesus as a young man and never looked back.

2. He was nice to people.

3. Through struggles and all, he was devoted to my Mom ’til they were parted by death.

4. He worked hard, but never elevated his career over his family. I never wondered if my Dad loved his job or money more than he loved me.

5. He modeled what is perhaps one of the most evasive of Christian virtues, especially for men – humility.

6. Rather than complaining about adverse circumstances, he would often say “Praise God anyhow.”

7. He was always impressed with God’s handiwork in creation – be it a mountain, a full-moon, or squirrels in the back yard and he nurtured that same awe of the Creator in me when I was young.

8. Six decades as a minister of the Gospel, facing down one giant after another.

9. He was still learning in his old age – open books and Bibles all over his desk. Most importantly, he had an open heart. One of his life verses was:

“...greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world.” I John 4:4

10. He lived up to his life motto: “Keep on keeping on.” He took a few more naps toward the end and he died in a memory care facility. But he was still representing Jesus, all the way to his finish line.

I agree with the person who said that it makes more sense to eulogize people while they are still alive to hear it rather than wait until their funeral…I shared these thoughts with my Dad before he passed. His face turned red and he said something like, “Well, God has been very good to me.”

Thanks Dad, for everything.

It’s a new day with God. Run with it.


4 thoughts on “Top 10 Things I Appreciated About My Dad

  1. It was truly an honor to have met Mr. Adams, climbing scaffolding and latters at around 80. He seemed to always want to help in anything that was going on but not imposing on others. After knowing Dave Adams I know the statement that John Adams put his family first is true. I thank my father for life lessons and for being there when I need him every chance I get. Thank you Dave for a great reminder for Father’s Day.

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